zondag 29 november 2009

How to find lost objects

Principle 1: Don’t look for it yet. Wait until you have some idea where to look.
-- Professor Solomon

donderdag 26 november 2009

woensdag 25 november 2009

Bad News!

DELFZIJL - De directie van Aldel in Delfzijl gaat het personeel een loonoffer vragen van 20 tot 25 procent.

Aldel heeft flinke klappen opgelopen door de recessie en de hoge energieprijzen. Het bedrijf schroefde daarom eertijds de productie fors terug en vroeg werktijdverkorting aan. Ook kwamen 175 mensen op straat te staan.

Het concern lijkt vooralsnog niet in staat om uit het dal te klimmen en draait nog altijd met verlies. Daarom vraagt Aldel het personeel om loon in te leveren.

De medewerkers van het bedrijf hebben onthutst gereageerd op het nieuws. Dinsdagmiddag zijn de vakbonden ingelicht. En ook die zijn verbaasd én ontstemd. Vakbond FNV Bondgenoten spreekt van een ‘sterfhuisconstructie’. Nu al staat het water veel gezinnen tot de lippen. Als werknemers ook nog loon moeten inleveren, is het hek van de dam.

Het personeel van de andere Nederlandse vestiging in Vlisssingen kreeg maandag de onheilstijding al te horen.

(Well, at least people, who lost their jobs, are getting almost as much as what people, who still have their jobs, will be getting. I'm giving myself atmost 5 years to make it, without a regular job. Just to prove some principles. And to prove some people wrong.

maandag 23 november 2009

donderdag 19 november 2009

woensdag 18 november 2009

Pastechi and Pancakes (Antillian)

This evening we were all busy making what looked like empanadas to me. And we were filling them with cheese, tuna, or minced meat fried with paprika, raisins, and piccalilly. We were beginning to feel like family, teasing one another and exchanging banters. One of the younger women tried to find out more about me, about my origin, my culture, and asked me what I thought about the Dutch and the local Groningers.

At dinner time we couldn't tell which pastechi is which. They were small ones but very satisfying. They filled us instantly and we washed them down with red wine or fruit juices. The pretty white-haired woman who sat at my right side was complaining that the black women weren't eating with us. Like a little girl she kept repeating: It's not nice! It's not nice! I told her to hush and eat her dinner. She immediately complied.

At around 8 I was feeling tired and quiet already. The other younger women, the prettiest of them all, who always sat opposite me at table must have noticed it and was looking at me with compassionate eyes as if she wanted to ask me why but I ignored her. I kept looking around. The guy who joined us two weeks ago in someone else's place tried to attract my attention smiling at me with friendliness a number of times. When he finally caught my eye he told me to eat more. I politely smiled back at him in acknowledgement. But I couldn't have more, so they told me to take home some of the pasties.

The members of the young all-black dance group finished their dance practice and joined us at table. They too were eating our pancakes made of gourd puree and flour mixed with eggs.

dinsdag 17 november 2009

"I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand at the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, 'Yes.'

It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children."

-- Oriah

zaterdag 14 november 2009


Old Story!


my Baby!


It's everything. If you don't have it.


Lost communication. Lost contact. Out there somewhere.

Sinter Klaas

Dutch Spanish Invasion.


Software versus Hardware. Programming versus hardwiring. Good thing!


Too much to be good.


Faking it and making it.


I have an apple of contentment (onion), an apple of discord (Jonah gold), and something that lost its head. Guess what.


I's not buddhism. It's dharma and KARMA!

Make it or Fake it

Do as if you already made it.


No time to paint. It's winter! I'm hibernating.

60 is the new 40

I'm just a kid! Just kidding.

The Girl Next Door

She loves me. She loves me not!


Don't waste your time on Ego. You are Ego. Go!

Do or Die

Do as if you are about to die.


Be kind.

Believe It or Not

This year I haven't work for anyone for a single day but I have more money in my bank and saving accounts at this time of the year than at any time in the past. And I have been following a number of courses that I really wanted to do, been listening to several lectures on buddhism, motivation, and other interesting things everyday, been doing what I want to do, spent my annual vacation outside the country, bought myself several things, and made what I wanted to make. Moreover I am giving myself the chance and the time to start a new career in what I really want to do to be happy and to be truly successful.

Unless something else comes up. Like an offer I am not allowed to refuse. ;)

vrijdag 13 november 2009

An Attachment

There was a time when I was getting tired of visiting my favorite blogs and keeping my own blog. And several times I really wanted to stop. Once I even changed the names of my blog addresses so I could leave undetected. But for some reasons I just kept on. Moreover at the end of August I started visiting again and making comments everywhere. I am still thinking of stopping but somehow I just keep going.

donderdag 12 november 2009

zondag 8 november 2009

How to live a simple life

Don't waste your time and money.

Our House

zaterdag 7 november 2009

donderdag 5 november 2009

Top 6 Keys to Being a Successful Teacher

1. Sense of Humor

2. A Positive Attitutude

3. High Expectations

4. Consistency

5. Fairness

6. Flexibility

woensdag 4 november 2009

To be really great in little things, to be truly noble and heroic in the insipid details of everyday life, is a virtue so rare as to be worthy of canonization.

-- Harriet Beecher Stowe

zondag 1 november 2009

Click here to play the video clip