zaterdag 26 december 2009
zaterdag 19 december 2009
zaterdag 12 december 2009
donderdag 10 december 2009
Appels en Aardappels
Yesterday we made Waldorfsalade, prei 'au jus', appelbollen, chocoladetruffels. It was very good but I prefer 'island cooking'.
I had red wine like I did last week; I had attracted a lot of attention because of my dark red colour. They had thought it was from the red-hot chili pepper or sambal -- I must admit it was so hot tears went rolling down my face.
The appelbollen were so hot we had to wait for while before we could eat them.
After dinner we went to watch the young black dancers dance. They had just finished their practice but they decided to dance for us one more time before leaving.
When I woke up this morning I remembered my chocoladetruffels; they're still sitting in the refrigerator at the school canteen.
Dutch Food
I had red wine like I did last week; I had attracted a lot of attention because of my dark red colour. They had thought it was from the red-hot chili pepper or sambal -- I must admit it was so hot tears went rolling down my face.
The appelbollen were so hot we had to wait for while before we could eat them.
After dinner we went to watch the young black dancers dance. They had just finished their practice but they decided to dance for us one more time before leaving.
When I woke up this morning I remembered my chocoladetruffels; they're still sitting in the refrigerator at the school canteen.
Dutch Food
zondag 6 december 2009
donderdag 3 december 2009
We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with an impure mind
And trouble will follow you
As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.
We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with a pure mind
And happiness will follow you
As your shadow, unshakable.
"Look how he abused me and hurt me,
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Live with such thoughts and you live in hate.
"Look how he abused me and hurt me,
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Abandon such thoughts, and live in love.
In this world
Hate never yet dispelled hate.
Only love dispels hate.
This is the law,
Ancient and inexhaustible.
You too shall pass away.
Knowing this, how can you quarrel?
How easily the wind overturns a frail tree.
Seek happiness in the senses,
Indulge in food and sleep,
And you too will be uprooted.
The wind cannot overturn a mountain.
Temptation cannot touch the man
Who is awake, strong and humble,
Who masters himself and minds the dharma.
If a man's thoughts are muddy,
If he is reckless and full of deceit,
How can he wear the yellow robe?
Whoever is master of his own nature,
Bright, clear and true,
He may indeed wear the yellow robe.
Mistaking the false for the true,
And the true for the false,
You overlook the heart
And fill yourself with desire.
See the false as false,
The true as true.
Look into your heart.
Follow your nature.
An unreflecting mind is a poor roof.
Passion, like the rain, floods the house.
But if the roof is strong, there is shelter.
Whoever follows impure thoughts
Suffers in this world and the next.
In both worlds he suffers
And how greatly
When he sees the wrong he has done.
But whoever follows the dharma
Is joyful here and joyful there.
In both worlds he rejoices
And how greatly
When he sees the good he has done.
For great is the harvest in this world,
And greater still in the next.
However many holy words you read,
However many you speak,
What good will they do you
If you do not act upon them?
Are you a shepherd
Who counts another man's sheep,
Never sharing the way?
Read as few words as you like,
And speak fewer.
But act upon the dharma.
Give up the old ways -
Passion, enmity, folly.
Know the truth and find peace.
Share the way.
-- The Dhammapada
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with an impure mind
And trouble will follow you
As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.
We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with a pure mind
And happiness will follow you
As your shadow, unshakable.
"Look how he abused me and hurt me,
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Live with such thoughts and you live in hate.
"Look how he abused me and hurt me,
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Abandon such thoughts, and live in love.
In this world
Hate never yet dispelled hate.
Only love dispels hate.
This is the law,
Ancient and inexhaustible.
You too shall pass away.
Knowing this, how can you quarrel?
How easily the wind overturns a frail tree.
Seek happiness in the senses,
Indulge in food and sleep,
And you too will be uprooted.
The wind cannot overturn a mountain.
Temptation cannot touch the man
Who is awake, strong and humble,
Who masters himself and minds the dharma.
If a man's thoughts are muddy,
If he is reckless and full of deceit,
How can he wear the yellow robe?
Whoever is master of his own nature,
Bright, clear and true,
He may indeed wear the yellow robe.
Mistaking the false for the true,
And the true for the false,
You overlook the heart
And fill yourself with desire.
See the false as false,
The true as true.
Look into your heart.
Follow your nature.
An unreflecting mind is a poor roof.
Passion, like the rain, floods the house.
But if the roof is strong, there is shelter.
Whoever follows impure thoughts
Suffers in this world and the next.
In both worlds he suffers
And how greatly
When he sees the wrong he has done.
But whoever follows the dharma
Is joyful here and joyful there.
In both worlds he rejoices
And how greatly
When he sees the good he has done.
For great is the harvest in this world,
And greater still in the next.
However many holy words you read,
However many you speak,
What good will they do you
If you do not act upon them?
Are you a shepherd
Who counts another man's sheep,
Never sharing the way?
Read as few words as you like,
And speak fewer.
But act upon the dharma.
Give up the old ways -
Passion, enmity, folly.
Know the truth and find peace.
Share the way.
-- The Dhammapada
zondag 29 november 2009
How to find lost objects
Principle 1: Don’t look for it yet. Wait until you have some idea where to look.
-- Professor Solomon
-- Professor Solomon
donderdag 26 november 2009
woensdag 25 november 2009
Bad News!
DELFZIJL - De directie van Aldel in Delfzijl gaat het personeel een loonoffer vragen van 20 tot 25 procent.
Aldel heeft flinke klappen opgelopen door de recessie en de hoge energieprijzen. Het bedrijf schroefde daarom eertijds de productie fors terug en vroeg werktijdverkorting aan. Ook kwamen 175 mensen op straat te staan.
Het concern lijkt vooralsnog niet in staat om uit het dal te klimmen en draait nog altijd met verlies. Daarom vraagt Aldel het personeel om loon in te leveren.
De medewerkers van het bedrijf hebben onthutst gereageerd op het nieuws. Dinsdagmiddag zijn de vakbonden ingelicht. En ook die zijn verbaasd én ontstemd. Vakbond FNV Bondgenoten spreekt van een ‘sterfhuisconstructie’. Nu al staat het water veel gezinnen tot de lippen. Als werknemers ook nog loon moeten inleveren, is het hek van de dam.
Het personeel van de andere Nederlandse vestiging in Vlisssingen kreeg maandag de onheilstijding al te horen.
(Well, at least people, who lost their jobs, are getting almost as much as what people, who still have their jobs, will be getting. I'm giving myself atmost 5 years to make it, without a regular job. Just to prove some principles. And to prove some people wrong.
Aldel heeft flinke klappen opgelopen door de recessie en de hoge energieprijzen. Het bedrijf schroefde daarom eertijds de productie fors terug en vroeg werktijdverkorting aan. Ook kwamen 175 mensen op straat te staan.
Het concern lijkt vooralsnog niet in staat om uit het dal te klimmen en draait nog altijd met verlies. Daarom vraagt Aldel het personeel om loon in te leveren.
De medewerkers van het bedrijf hebben onthutst gereageerd op het nieuws. Dinsdagmiddag zijn de vakbonden ingelicht. En ook die zijn verbaasd én ontstemd. Vakbond FNV Bondgenoten spreekt van een ‘sterfhuisconstructie’. Nu al staat het water veel gezinnen tot de lippen. Als werknemers ook nog loon moeten inleveren, is het hek van de dam.
Het personeel van de andere Nederlandse vestiging in Vlisssingen kreeg maandag de onheilstijding al te horen.
(Well, at least people, who lost their jobs, are getting almost as much as what people, who still have their jobs, will be getting. I'm giving myself atmost 5 years to make it, without a regular job. Just to prove some principles. And to prove some people wrong.
maandag 23 november 2009
donderdag 19 november 2009
woensdag 18 november 2009
Pastechi and Pancakes (Antillian)
This evening we were all busy making what looked like empanadas to me. And we were filling them with cheese, tuna, or minced meat fried with paprika, raisins, and piccalilly. We were beginning to feel like family, teasing one another and exchanging banters. One of the younger women tried to find out more about me, about my origin, my culture, and asked me what I thought about the Dutch and the local Groningers.
At dinner time we couldn't tell which pastechi is which. They were small ones but very satisfying. They filled us instantly and we washed them down with red wine or fruit juices. The pretty white-haired woman who sat at my right side was complaining that the black women weren't eating with us. Like a little girl she kept repeating: It's not nice! It's not nice! I told her to hush and eat her dinner. She immediately complied.
At around 8 I was feeling tired and quiet already. The other younger women, the prettiest of them all, who always sat opposite me at table must have noticed it and was looking at me with compassionate eyes as if she wanted to ask me why but I ignored her. I kept looking around. The guy who joined us two weeks ago in someone else's place tried to attract my attention smiling at me with friendliness a number of times. When he finally caught my eye he told me to eat more. I politely smiled back at him in acknowledgement. But I couldn't have more, so they told me to take home some of the pasties.
The members of the young all-black dance group finished their dance practice and joined us at table. They too were eating our pancakes made of gourd puree and flour mixed with eggs.
At dinner time we couldn't tell which pastechi is which. They were small ones but very satisfying. They filled us instantly and we washed them down with red wine or fruit juices. The pretty white-haired woman who sat at my right side was complaining that the black women weren't eating with us. Like a little girl she kept repeating: It's not nice! It's not nice! I told her to hush and eat her dinner. She immediately complied.
At around 8 I was feeling tired and quiet already. The other younger women, the prettiest of them all, who always sat opposite me at table must have noticed it and was looking at me with compassionate eyes as if she wanted to ask me why but I ignored her. I kept looking around. The guy who joined us two weeks ago in someone else's place tried to attract my attention smiling at me with friendliness a number of times. When he finally caught my eye he told me to eat more. I politely smiled back at him in acknowledgement. But I couldn't have more, so they told me to take home some of the pasties.
The members of the young all-black dance group finished their dance practice and joined us at table. They too were eating our pancakes made of gourd puree and flour mixed with eggs.
dinsdag 17 november 2009
"I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand at the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, 'Yes.'
It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children."
-- Oriah
It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children."
-- Oriah
zaterdag 14 november 2009
I have an apple of contentment (onion), an apple of discord (Jonah gold), and something that lost its head. Guess what.
Believe It or Not
This year I haven't work for anyone for a single day but I have more money in my bank and saving accounts at this time of the year than at any time in the past. And I have been following a number of courses that I really wanted to do, been listening to several lectures on buddhism, motivation, and other interesting things everyday, been doing what I want to do, spent my annual vacation outside the country, bought myself several things, and made what I wanted to make. Moreover I am giving myself the chance and the time to start a new career in what I really want to do to be happy and to be truly successful.
Unless something else comes up. Like an offer I am not allowed to refuse. ;)
Unless something else comes up. Like an offer I am not allowed to refuse. ;)
vrijdag 13 november 2009
An Attachment
There was a time when I was getting tired of visiting my favorite blogs and keeping my own blog. And several times I really wanted to stop. Once I even changed the names of my blog addresses so I could leave undetected. But for some reasons I just kept on. Moreover at the end of August I started visiting again and making comments everywhere. I am still thinking of stopping but somehow I just keep going.
donderdag 12 november 2009
zondag 8 november 2009
zaterdag 7 november 2009
donderdag 5 november 2009
Top 6 Keys to Being a Successful Teacher
1. Sense of Humor
2. A Positive Attitutude
3. High Expectations
4. Consistency
5. Fairness
6. Flexibility
2. A Positive Attitutude
3. High Expectations
4. Consistency
5. Fairness
6. Flexibility
woensdag 4 november 2009
zondag 1 november 2009
vrijdag 30 oktober 2009
donderdag 29 oktober 2009
woensdag 28 oktober 2009
Turkish Cooking
Today we learned how to make mercimek sorbasi (lentil soup), prepare patates salatasi (potato salad), and bake Kunta Kinte (chocolate cake). Last time we had karniyarik (stuffed eggplant), pilav (rice), revani (meal pudding).
Since I was the only man in the group of 14 people, I was given a lot of encouragement by everyone. It felt like I suddenly acquired several mothers or mothers-in-law, except for five, who appeared to be younger than I was. Anyway all of them were slouching most of the time. One white-haired woman accidentally leaned against me and apologized profusely as soon as she realized what she had done. I smiled and assured her she didn't have to worry because I don't usually get excited very easily. The older the crazier, she added quickly and everyone laughed. However, two of the younger and prettier women were making me nervous because of the way they looked and smiled at me. Nevertheless I tried to keep my composure all the time, avoided flirting with anyone of them. Instead I did my best to peel the potatos as quickly as I could.
The food tasted very good. I had two servings of the chocolate cake while some of the women, especially the four black ones, took home slices of the cake.
Since I was the only man in the group of 14 people, I was given a lot of encouragement by everyone. It felt like I suddenly acquired several mothers or mothers-in-law, except for five, who appeared to be younger than I was. Anyway all of them were slouching most of the time. One white-haired woman accidentally leaned against me and apologized profusely as soon as she realized what she had done. I smiled and assured her she didn't have to worry because I don't usually get excited very easily. The older the crazier, she added quickly and everyone laughed. However, two of the younger and prettier women were making me nervous because of the way they looked and smiled at me. Nevertheless I tried to keep my composure all the time, avoided flirting with anyone of them. Instead I did my best to peel the potatos as quickly as I could.
The food tasted very good. I had two servings of the chocolate cake while some of the women, especially the four black ones, took home slices of the cake.
dinsdag 27 oktober 2009
woensdag 21 oktober 2009
zondag 18 oktober 2009
zaterdag 17 oktober 2009
woensdag 14 oktober 2009
woensdag 30 september 2009
zondag 27 september 2009
zaterdag 26 september 2009
The body the Buddha
The body is the only body you have. You cannot have body transplant. Or mind transplant.
The body has no past. Only scars. The self has pains and suffering. Traumas and dogmas.
To realize that is Nirvana. Buddhahood.
The body has no past. Only scars. The self has pains and suffering. Traumas and dogmas.
To realize that is Nirvana. Buddhahood.
vrijdag 25 september 2009
zaterdag 19 september 2009
dinsdag 15 september 2009
Life itself is traumatic
"There is no such thing as growing up without traumas."
- The teacher, not the pupil.
- The teacher, not the pupil.
zaterdag 12 september 2009
woensdag 9 september 2009
maandag 7 september 2009
donderdag 3 september 2009
"So this life, bhikkhus, does not have gain, honour, and renown for its benefit, or the attainment of virtue for its benefit, or the attainment of concentration for its benefit, or knowledge and vision for its benefit. But it is this unshakeable deliverance of mind that is the goal of this life, its heartwood, and its end."
-- the Buddha
-- the Buddha
zaterdag 29 augustus 2009
dinsdag 25 augustus 2009
zondag 23 augustus 2009
donderdag 20 augustus 2009
Summer Tour
Paul came back from his three-week tour of Austria, Italy, Hungary, and Slovenia last week. He had his haircut too.
woensdag 12 augustus 2009
In less than fantastic and glorious way
"An essential component of forgiveness and compassion is realizing that the other person's words and actions are not about you, but about his own internal reality which has intersected with yours."
-- The Dalai Lama
-- The Dalai Lama
dinsdag 11 augustus 2009
donderdag 6 augustus 2009
woensdag 5 augustus 2009
zondag 2 augustus 2009
donderdag 30 juli 2009
woensdag 29 juli 2009
zaterdag 25 juli 2009
Just dust
Don't pay the rent;
sing to the landlord
silhouetted against the sunset
to the rythm of a tango.
Much, much later
chocolate kisses
are supremely unimportant.
We no longer need our names.
Surely now I know
why sleep feels so good.
Just as we are about
to give up everything,
I know there's no such thing
as heaven or hell.
And you start explaining
why you're here.
I once dreamed about
the theory of creationism.
But I admit all you is
just dust in the wind.
sing to the landlord
silhouetted against the sunset
to the rythm of a tango.
Much, much later
chocolate kisses
are supremely unimportant.
We no longer need our names.
Surely now I know
why sleep feels so good.
Just as we are about
to give up everything,
I know there's no such thing
as heaven or hell.
And you start explaining
why you're here.
I once dreamed about
the theory of creationism.
But I admit all you is
just dust in the wind.
vrijdag 24 juli 2009
donderdag 9 juli 2009
woensdag 8 juli 2009
dinsdag 7 juli 2009
Speak to me
Speak to me
from your hand, I said
and nothing else will matter.
With the lights on
while I look over my shoulder.
The smell of the greasepaint
and the roar of the crowd
remind me of everything
I have lost.
Taste my tears
and live now.
Surely your words
dissappear in the wind.
from your hand, I said
and nothing else will matter.
With the lights on
while I look over my shoulder.
The smell of the greasepaint
and the roar of the crowd
remind me of everything
I have lost.
Taste my tears
and live now.
Surely your words
dissappear in the wind.
maandag 6 juli 2009
zaterdag 4 juli 2009
Delete Doctor 2.1
Can delete files that are difficult to delete, such as some files left by viruses and trojans, or files with corrupted file names, etc. Delete at your own risk. To download.
Or write a batch file that looks like this:
echo on
del "D:\x\**"
dir "D:\x\**"
where D is the drive name, x is the folder name, and ** means all files.
Use notepad and rename the txt file "temp.bat". Don't forget to execute it to delete all files in the folder.
Or write a batch file that looks like this:
echo on
del "D:\x\**"
dir "D:\x\**"
where D is the drive name, x is the folder name, and ** means all files.
Use notepad and rename the txt file "temp.bat". Don't forget to execute it to delete all files in the folder.
donderdag 2 juli 2009
Tuesday Lobsang Rampa Online
The complete works of T. Lobsang Rampa in pdf format, translated in several languages online, including Dutch, and downloadable. The pdf files can be saved and converted in text format. Try using TTS Reader, using Neospeech voices or AT&T natural voices.
woensdag 24 juni 2009
zondag 21 juni 2009
donderdag 18 juni 2009
SurveillanceSaver 2.0
I installed a screensaver that gave me access to live images of over 400 network surveillance cameras worldwide. I saw some places especially in Norway, Germany, and America today. It could be downloaded from CNet. It requires the installation of Ms .Net Framework Version 2.0.
woensdag 17 juni 2009
dinsdag 16 juni 2009
vrijdag 12 juni 2009
zondag 7 juni 2009
vrijdag 5 juni 2009
woensdag 3 juni 2009
vrijdag 29 mei 2009
woensdag 27 mei 2009
maandag 25 mei 2009
I am a breathaholic
Or rather an aeraholic. Breathing is pleasurable. Watching the breath should be.
vrijdag 22 mei 2009
woensdag 20 mei 2009
maandag 18 mei 2009
PIERSON: In the meantime, you and I and others like us. . . where are we to live when the Martians own the earth?
-- from the movie script.
-- from the movie script.
dinsdag 12 mei 2009
zondag 10 mei 2009
vrijdag 8 mei 2009
donderdag 7 mei 2009
"Desire is the memory of pleasure and fear is the memory of pain. Both make the mind restless. Moments of pleasure are merely gaps in the stream of pain. How can the mind be happy?"
-- N. Maharaj
-- N. Maharaj
woensdag 6 mei 2009
dinsdag 5 mei 2009
maandag 4 mei 2009
zondag 3 mei 2009
"We know the outer world of sensations and actions, but of our inner world of thoughts and feelings we know very little. The primary purpose of meditation is to become conscious of, and familiar with, our inner life. The ultimate purpose is to reach the source of life and consciousness.
Incidentally practice of meditation affects deeply our character. We are slaves to what we do not know; of what we know we are masters. Whatever vice or weakness in ourselves we discover and understand its causes and its workings, we overcome it by the very knowing; the unconscious dissolves when brought into the conscious. The dissolution of the unconscious releases energy; the mind feels adequate and becomes quiet."
-- N. Maharaj
Incidentally practice of meditation affects deeply our character. We are slaves to what we do not know; of what we know we are masters. Whatever vice or weakness in ourselves we discover and understand its causes and its workings, we overcome it by the very knowing; the unconscious dissolves when brought into the conscious. The dissolution of the unconscious releases energy; the mind feels adequate and becomes quiet."
-- N. Maharaj
zaterdag 2 mei 2009
vrijdag 1 mei 2009
donderdag 30 april 2009
I went to the kinderbraderie in Delfzijl in the afternoon. It was probably the biggest I've been to.
I didn't buy anything from the children. Instead I bought 10 DVD's at Blokker, including: Ben Hur, West Side Story, The Terminator, Cleopatra, Vanity Fair, Madame Bovary, The Impressionists, Michael Palin's The Full Circle, The Two Towers, and Byron.
I saw the film Cleopatra in the evening and realized something: I am against abortion.
I didn't buy anything from the children. Instead I bought 10 DVD's at Blokker, including: Ben Hur, West Side Story, The Terminator, Cleopatra, Vanity Fair, Madame Bovary, The Impressionists, Michael Palin's The Full Circle, The Two Towers, and Byron.
I saw the film Cleopatra in the evening and realized something: I am against abortion.
woensdag 29 april 2009
dinsdag 28 april 2009
maandag 27 april 2009
zondag 26 april 2009
Observing fear without judgement
without supressing it or escaping from it dissolves fear thru understanding.
donderdag 23 april 2009
woensdag 22 april 2009
Relationship is really a process of isolation
We are related to another only as long as it gratifies us, as long as long as it satisfies us, as long as it helps us.
dinsdag 21 april 2009
maandag 20 april 2009
zondag 19 april 2009
zaterdag 18 april 2009
vrijdag 17 april 2009
donderdag 16 april 2009
woensdag 15 april 2009
Next problem
"If you find a good solution and become attached to it, the solution may become your next problem."
-- Robert Anthony
-- Robert Anthony
dinsdag 14 april 2009
maandag 13 april 2009
zondag 12 april 2009
zaterdag 11 april 2009
donderdag 9 april 2009
woensdag 8 april 2009
Love is forgiving oneself completely
for ones own pride, vanity, ignorance, faults, and mistakes. For hurting others.
dinsdag 7 april 2009
Love does not suffer
Because love is not vain, fearful, envious, jealous, impatient, unkind, resentful, hateful, vindictive, furious, violent, etc.
zondag 5 april 2009
zaterdag 4 april 2009
vrijdag 3 april 2009
donderdag 2 april 2009
woensdag 1 april 2009
dinsdag 31 maart 2009
To know sorrow
is to be free from it. You won't understand sorrow if you keep escaping from it. Don't do anything about it. Don't push it away. Just be aware. How does it feel?
Happy are those who grieve for they will love better and live longer.
Happy are those who grieve for they will love better and live longer.
maandag 30 maart 2009
zondag 29 maart 2009
Thus spake the crow ...
i'm not a thief!
i don't want to take away your
i want to give away to him/her whatever i
i am a teacher!
-- human being
i don't want to take away your
i want to give away to him/her whatever i
i am a teacher!
-- human being
zaterdag 28 maart 2009
Life is now
Thoughts come and go
and they aren't real.
There's something beyond.
Life is here and now.
The past is sorrow
and the sorrow has passed.
There's freedom today
and there's no tomorrow.
and they aren't real.
There's something beyond.
Life is here and now.
The past is sorrow
and the sorrow has passed.
There's freedom today
and there's no tomorrow.
donderdag 26 maart 2009
To understand oneself is to understand another
Know yourself. And be kind to yourself. And to others.
woensdag 25 maart 2009
Is self-centeredness the cause of fear?
Or is fear the cause of pride, vanity, envy, greed, jealousy, anger, violence, etc, etc, etc?
There is fear of being lonely
Of being isolated. Has one ever felt it? One probably never has because one keeps surrounding oneself with people, gods, and idols, and one keeps conforming.
dinsdag 24 maart 2009
maandag 23 maart 2009
zondag 22 maart 2009
zaterdag 21 maart 2009
vrijdag 20 maart 2009
donderdag 19 maart 2009
woensdag 18 maart 2009
dinsdag 17 maart 2009
maandag 16 maart 2009
I am that.
Looking at it without comparing, judging, and condemning it. Without trying to change it.
zondag 15 maart 2009
zaterdag 14 maart 2009
What does attachment do in your relationship with another?
Will knowing the truth about attachment set you free?
vrijdag 13 maart 2009
donderdag 12 maart 2009
dinsdag 10 maart 2009
zondag 8 maart 2009
The Sorrow of escaping from sorrow
Thru beliefs, traditions, activities, ambitions, achievements, relationships, food, drinks, love, sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
zaterdag 7 maart 2009
The extraordinary thing called sorrow
What is behind sorrow? And beyond it? To run away from sorrow is to live in sorrow. I want to know what sorrow is. I want to know how it feels. To observe it without motive.
vrijdag 6 maart 2009
woensdag 4 maart 2009
The sorrow of losing
So much sorrow, so much self-pity. So many distractions. To live with sorrow without escaping is to be free from it.
Sitting up
Keeping your back straight while sitting is one of the better forms of meditation. Just be aware of your posture from time to time. Throwing your shoulders back a bit more.
dinsdag 3 maart 2009
What is sorrow?
How does it feel? You cannot understand sorrow if you keep avoiding or escaping from it.
Love inspite of
What is the greatest thing
you can experience?
Beyond words and thoughts.
Inspite of.
Just be aware.
Nothing else.
We are divided.
That's all we know.
you can experience?
Beyond words and thoughts.
Inspite of.
Just be aware.
Nothing else.
We are divided.
That's all we know.
zondag 1 maart 2009
donderdag 26 februari 2009
zondag 22 februari 2009
zaterdag 14 februari 2009
woensdag 11 februari 2009
zondag 8 februari 2009
How to get on in the world
"Suffering may be the appointed means by which the higher nature of man is to be disciplined and developed. Assuming happiness to be the end of being, sorrow may be the indispensable condition through
which it is to be reached."
which it is to be reached."
woensdag 4 februari 2009
Life is learning
Learn from other people's mistake especially your own.
There's no shame in that. And I'm saying that to myself.
There's no shame in that. And I'm saying that to myself.
maandag 2 februari 2009
zondag 1 februari 2009
zaterdag 31 januari 2009
zondag 25 januari 2009
zaterdag 24 januari 2009
The Power of Now
You cannot possibly walk into the Now because you are already here and now. Whoever you are!
Don't waste your time and money.
Don't waste your time and money.
donderdag 22 januari 2009
The easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) is similar to Notepad. Speakonia reads aloud any given text with just one mouse click!
maandag 19 januari 2009
Fear of the Evil Eye
The concept of the "evil eye" has been with us for centuries at least, and probably for as long as homo sapiens has been down from the trees. In its classic form it is a superstition, the belief that a witch or other super-powered malefactor with malevolent intentions can create a lot of mischief by merely looking at an intended victim.
-- Charles E. Henderson, Ph.D.
-- Charles E. Henderson, Ph.D.
zondag 18 januari 2009
zaterdag 17 januari 2009
vrijdag 16 januari 2009
woensdag 7 januari 2009
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